
Progressive Mob Hijacks Capitol Demanding Israel Ceasefire

On Tuesday, the Capitol rotunda witnessed a disruptive protest led by a group of progressives, causing quite a commotion as they called on Congress to urge a ceasefire in Israel’s conflict with Gaza. The audacity of these individuals storming the Capitol as if it were their personal playground has raised eyebrows.

According to the U.S. Capitol Police, these demonstrators surreptitiously entered the Capitol, posing as innocent tourists seeking enjoyment. However, instead of admiring the historic architecture and taking selfies, they brazenly initiated a protest right there in the rotunda – a move that could make a bald eagle shed a tear.

Adding to the shock, these protesters scattered children’s shoes on the ground, claiming it was a gesture to honor Palestinian children who lost their lives in the conflict. Such a macabre approach to making a political statement is certainly unsettling.

Thankfully, the Capitol Police were swift to respond to these lawbreakers. Approximately 60 arrests were made, with charges filed under a section of the D.C. Code related to unlawfully protesting inside a congressional office building. Justice prevailed against these troublemakers!

The chaos was sponsored by organizations such as the Action Center on Race and Economy, Adalah Justice Project, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, alongside around 80 other anti-Israel groups. Perhaps it's time for these individuals to seek a more constructive hobby.

Not only were the protesters advocating for an end to the conflict in Gaza, but they also had the audacity to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposed aid package to Israel and additional immigration enforcement at the southern border. The paradox of demanding peace while also opposing vital aid and security measures creates a perplexing situation, to say the least.







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