
Prosecutors Slam Hunter’s “Hogwash” Trump Subpoena Gimme

In a twist straight out of a political thriller, prosecutors are fighting tooth and nail against Hunter Biden’s attempt to subpoena documents from former president Donald Trump and the Justice Department. They’re not having it, and are telling the judge that Hunter doesn’t have enough proof to claim that there was any funny business in his gun and tax investigation. They’re not mincing words either, they’re basically calling his requests a bunch of hogwash and asking the judge to shut it down.

The fiasco started back in 2018 when the tax and gun investigation against Hunter kicked off while Trump was in office. But the charges didn’t drop until this year when his dad, Joe Biden, was running the show. The prosecutor is quick to point out this “inconvenient truth” and doesn’t waste any time putting a damper on Hunter’s defense. Ouch!

Hunter’s lawyers are claiming that there were all sorts of shady dealings happening behind the scenes, with Trump supposedly using his influence to put the heat on the Justice Department bigwigs. They point to comments Trump made, details from a book by William Barr, and information from the House panel that dug into the Capitol attack. But the prosecution isn’t buying it.

As if things couldn’t get more dramatic, Hunter has pleaded not guilty and is gearing up for a possible trial in 2024, right when his dad is looking for another shot at the presidency. The case seemed like it might be wrapping up nicely with a plea deal over the summer, but then the judge, who just so happens to be a Trump nominee, threw a wrench in the works. There’s even talk of new charges hanging over Hunter’s head like a dark cloud, just waiting to rain down on him.

So, it looks like this high-stakes game of legal tug-of-war isn’t ending anytime soon. Stay tuned, folks. This reality show isn’t over yet.

Written by Staff Reports

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