
Putin Exploits Innocent Schoolkids for Deadly Military Ops: Inside Russia’s Disturbing Youth Militarization

Russian Children Manufacture Supplies for Putin’s Military Endeavors

In a shocking turn of events, Russian schoolchildren have been caught red-handed creating supplies for President Vladimir Putin’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine. The young students, hailing from a school in the Republic of Tatarstan region, were captured on film crafting components for VOG-17 grenades, which are utilized in kamikaze drone attacks. It is reported that the children were working on 3D-printed orange “tails” to be affixed to these flying grenades, with one schoolboy gleefully explaining the sinister purpose of the grenade and how it’s connected to the drone before being dropped.

Despite the seemingly innocent appearance of the brightly-colored attachments, it is revealed that these “tails” play a crucial role in ensuring the grenades accurately hit their intended targets. The disturbing footage highlights the insidious nature of the activities being undertaken by these impressionable students, who are being coerced into supporting Putin’s military ambitions from such a tender age.

The disturbing revelations do not end there. Reports indicate that children, some as young as nine, are also involved in the production of crutches and canes for Russian soldiers wounded in combat. At the Aleksandro-Slobodskaya School, students participating in a woodworking class have manufactured an astonishing number of crutches, with over 60 pairs already produced and 40 of them dispatched to hospitals along with heartfelt “get well” notes.

Furthermore, students in the remote Udmurtia region have been drafted into knitting “stump stockings” for injured soldiers, showcasing the widespread and distressing militarization of Russia’s education system. These chilling developments are intensified by Putin’s recent legislation mandating Soviet-style “labor lessons” in elementary and middle schools, aiming to indoctrinate the younger generation with dated skills and restrict their access to technology in a bid to control their exposure to the outside world.

The deeply troubling implications of these revelations cannot be overstated. The involuntary involvement of innocent children in the machinery of war is a stark reminder of the lengths to which Putin will go to further his aggressive agenda. It is a despicable manipulation of young minds and a distressing testament to the ominous direction in which Russia is headed under Putin’s rule. Such exploitation of the nation’s youth for political gain is a reprehensible violation of their rights and a cause for grave concern, both domestically and on the global stage.

Written by Staff Reports

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