
Radio Host Fired After Exposing White House-Controlled Biden Interview

The story goes something like this: a radio host named Andrea Lawful-Sanders spilled the beans about how the White House spoon-fed her questions for an interview with Presidentish Joe Biden, and what do you know, she found herself out of a job quicker than you can say “media manipulation.” Now, when you’re in the business of truth-telling like this intrepid writer for PJ Media, the outcome of this saga is about as surprising as finding out that water is wet.

Thing is, Lawful-Sanders broke the unwritten rule by airing the dirty laundry of the mainstream media’s cozy relationship with the White House. See, Biden visited Philadelphia’s WURD radio, a black-focused station, to connect with black voters. But instead of a real interview, it was more like a scripted performance, with the questions handpicked by the White House. Shocking, right? Well, maybe not so much if you’ve been paying attention.

And remember that cringe-inducing moment with Jake Tapper and Biden’s cheat sheet back in 2022? That should’ve been the final nail in the coffin for journalistic integrity, but alas, the mainstream media chose to carry on with the charade. Surprise, surprise. But Lawful-Sanders decided to rock the boat by exposing the puppet strings behind Biden’s so-called interviews, and guess what? She got the boot for daring to tell the truth.

When WURD announced they were parting ways with Lawful-Sanders, citing concerns about their “independence,” it was clear as day that this was just a cover-up. Let’s not kid ourselves here. The real reason she got shown the door was that she dared to lift the curtain on the media’s game of smoke and mirrors. But hey, if you want to listen to the interview that ruffled some feathers, it’s still out there for your listening pleasure.

So, dear readers, as we witness yet another example of the mainstream media circling the wagons to protect their narrative, let’s not forget the importance of outlets like PJ Media in uncovering the truth. Because in a world where honesty is a rare commodity, we could all use a dose of reality from time to time.

Written by Staff Reports

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