
Record Surge in Chinese Nationals Illegally Crossing US Border Raises Alarm

An increasing number of Chinese nationals have been crossing illegally into the United States, according to the latest data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In the last seven months of fiscal year 2024, a record-breaking 27,583 Chinese nationals crossed the border unlawfully. This number has significantly risen from 1,987 in fiscal year 2022 and 24,125 in fiscal year 2023.

Of the total encounters, the majority, 27,135, occurred in the San Diego sector, as per the data. This surge in illegal immigration from China has caught the attention of Republican lawmakers who are concerned about potential national security threats. Governor Greg Abbott’s enforcement crackdown in Texas has led to a shift in illegal immigration towards the western side of the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Biden administration’s decision to simplify the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants has raised red flags. An internal CBP email revealed that the administration reduced the interview questions for Chinese immigrants from around 40 to just five in April 2023. Republican lawmakers are calling for closer scrutiny of this process, pointing out the risks associated with minimal vetting of Chinese nationals entering the country.

A House Homeland Security subcommittee led by North Carolina Republican Rep. Dan Bishop will hold a hearing to delve into the reasons behind the historic surge in Chinese illegal immigration. Bishop emphasized the need to investigate the national security threats posed by the influx of minimally-vetted Chinese nationals. The Heritage Foundation has also warned about the increasing purchase of U.S. real estate by Chinese-owned entities, potentially compromising critical American infrastructure.

The rise in illegal immigration from China is alarming and requires immediate attention. With national security concerns on the rise, Republican lawmakers are urging a thorough examination of the risks associated with the influx of Chinese nationals into the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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