
Rep Khanna Stands By Hunter Biden: Is This A Smokescreen for Elitist Favoritism?

In a recent Congressional hearing, Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) had the chance to grill IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler. Now, you might be thinking, “Wait, what’s an IRS whistleblower? Are they people who blow whistles every time the IRS does something wrong?” Well, not quite. These are employees who come forward with information about potential misconduct or illegal activities happening within the IRS. And boy, did Khanna have a lot to say about it!

During an interview with MSNBC, Khanna made it very clear that he believes Shapley’s testimony proves that President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, did not get any special treatment. You know, because we all trust MSNBC to provide unbiased reporting. But anyway, Khanna and Shapley got into it about whether Hunter should have been charged with more serious crimes. Shapley claimed that his recommendations often get ignored, and he doesn’t agree with those decisions. Classic case of agents being more aggressive than the actual law enforcement process, right?

According to Khanna, this whole situation just proves that Hunter Biden didn’t receive any special treatment. And you can totally trust Khanna’s judgment on this, because he’s a member of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. He knows his stuff. But the show didn’t stop there! Ziegler also chimed in, saying he agreed with Shapley and believed that felony charges were well-supported. Well, isn’t that convenient? Just another attempt to make Hunter Biden look like a saint.

So, if you were hoping for some smoking gun evidence during this hearing, you’re out of luck. But hey, at least Khanna got some airtime to push his narrative. And remember, folks, always take what you hear from politicians with a grain of salt. They have a tendency to spin things in their favor. I’m looking at you, Rep. Ro Khanna!

Written by Staff Reports

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