
Rep Lawler Calls for Rashida Tlaib’s Removal Over Ties to Terrorist Organizations

Alright kiddos, gather ’round for a story about some ruckus in Congress! So, there’s this fella named Rep. Mike Lawler, and he’s from the fine state of New York, a land known for its tasty pizza and busy streets. Now, Rep. Lawler ain’t too happy with a lady named Rep. Rashida Tlaib from Michigan. Why, you ask? Well, hold your horses, ’cause it’s about to get spicy!

You see, Rep. Tlaib gave a speech at a conference that had ties to some folks the government labeled as troublemakers, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Yup, you heard that right, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization! And ol’ Lawler, well, he didn’t take too kindly to that. He hollered out for Tlaib to be kicked out of Congress faster than you can say “apple pie.”

Now, this conference down in Detroit had speakers linked to the PFLP, including a fella whose spouse was a known PFLP troublemaker. Yikes! And Tlaib had some choice words for President Biden too, criticizing him over the Gaza situation. She even hinted at voting against ol’ Biden in the next election. My oh my, things sure are heating up in the political kitchen!

But hold onto your hats, ’cause there’s more! A report came out saying Tlaib’s got ties to activists linked to Hamas, another troublemaking group on the government’s watchlist. Seems like Tlaib’s been mingling with the wrong crowd, doesn’t it? This whole situation is like a big ol’ pot of gumbo – lots of ingredients stirring up some controversy!

So, there you have it, folks. A tale of politicians, speeches, and questionable connections. Who knows what twists and turns will come next in this wild ride we call politics? Stay tuned for more drama, ’cause in Congress, it’s never a dull moment!

Written by Staff Reports

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