
Rep. Nehls Exposes FBI Bias, Slams Steele Dossier’s Fake News on Trump

During a recent hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Republican Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) courageously criticized the FBI for their continued propagation of fake news about former President Donald Trump. Nehls brazenly criticized the inept handling of the Steele dossier, which contained unsubstantiated allegations of President Trump's misconduct, including the infamous "pee tape" incident.

Despite the lack of credible evidence to support the claims, the FBI, under the direction of James Comey, shamelessly spread these falsehoods, which may have affected Trump's chances of winning the 2016 presidential election. "Do you wish to annoy the affluent housewife? Nehls asked rhetorically, "If five months before an election, tell them the leading Republican candidate is urinating on prostitutes?"

The FBI's bias against Trump did not end there, however. Nehls continued by noting the Bureau's blatant disregard for Rep. Eric Swalwell's (D-Calif.) troubling relationship with a Chinese agent, whom he referred to as "Yum Yum." The FBI, which had been so anxious to bring down Trump, remained silent on this matter despite the alarming revelations.

"We are aware of the committee member's alleged affair with Yum Yum, a Chinese spy," Nelhs continued. "However, this is a new low for anyone." "And I would expect that Mr. Swalwell would concur. Imagine if someone had further stated that Mr. Swalwell was urinating on Yum Yum. This was not acceptable; it must cease."

Rep. Glenn Ivey (D-MA) resisted Nehls' remarks and demanded that they be expunged from the record. However, the courageous Representative Nehls will continue to fight for conservative values and expose the hypocrisy and deceit of the left.

Written by Staff Reports

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