
RFK Jr. Alleges CNN Collusion with Biden and Trump in FEC Complaint

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running for president as an independent candidate, has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against CNN and the campaigns of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Kennedy’s complaint alleges that CNN colluded with the Biden and Trump campaigns to exclude him from two upcoming debates, which he believes violates FEC laws.

According to Kennedy’s campaign, CNN set criteria for participation in the debates that favored Biden and Trump, effectively shutting out Kennedy despite his consistent polling numbers. This, the complaint argues, amounts to prohibited corporate contributions to the two major-party candidates. As of now, Trump holds a slight lead over Biden in head-to-head polls, but Kennedy’s supporters believe his exclusion is unfair considering the uncertainty of whether Biden and Trump will officially be their party’s nominees.

The complaint asserts that since the Democratic and Republican parties have not yet held their national conventions to formally nominate their candidates, CNN acted prematurely in scheduling the debates and applying criteria that effectively guaranteed Biden and Trump a spot. Kennedy’s campaign is calling for a fair and unbiased selection process that includes all viable candidates, not just those from the two major parties.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to CNN, the Biden campaign, and the Trump campaign for comments on the complaint, but they have not responded at this time. It is yet to be seen how the FEC will proceed with Kennedy’s complaint and whether any changes will be made to the debate lineup as a result.

In this situation, it is important to uphold fairness and transparency in the electoral process. All candidates, regardless of party affiliation, should have equal opportunities to present their platforms and engage with voters. Excluding a candidate who has garnered a significant level of support in polling could be viewed as undemocratic and limiting the choices available to voters. Hopefully, the FEC will investigate the matter thoroughly and ensure that future debates are conducted in a manner that respects the principles of democracy and allows for a diverse range of voices to be heard.

Written by Staff Reports

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