
RFK Jr. Exposes The FBI’s Trump Witch Hunt

The recent Durham report has revealed the truth about the “Russian collusion” narrative that has been pushed by the mainstream media for years. Robert F. Kennedy Jr (RFK Jr), a Democratic presidential candidate, has been vocal about the weaponization of the FBI to try and “destroy a sitting president.” He has also blasted the establishment media for perpetuating the false narrative and for failing to admit they were taken in by the big lie.

RFK Jr has been a vocal critic of the establishment media, noting that when his uncle left office in 1964, 80% of Americans trusted the government and even more trusted the media. However, today only 22% of Americans trust the government, and RFK Jr believes that this is due to the mainstream media’s complicity in pushing false narratives.

The Durham report has confirmed that the FBI had no grounds to launch the investigation against President Trump, and yet MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow dismissed the report after it contradicted the Trump-Russia narrative she has been pushing for years on the network. This is further evidence of the mainstream media’s bias and their willingness to push false narratives to fit their own agenda.

RFK Jr has also noted the similarities between this media convergence on two mendacious mythologies: Russiagate and the Iraq weapons of mass destruction lies. He has called out billionaire elites for using “climate change” as a tool to usher in a new world order. RFK Jr believes that President Trump should take legal action against Maddow and her network for their part in perpetuating these false narratives.

RFK Jr is a strong advocate for truth and justice, and his words should be taken seriously. He is a reminder that we must always be vigilant in holding the mainstream media accountable for their lies and bias. We must also be aware of those who are trying to use false narratives to manipulate public opinion and push their own agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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