
RFK Jr. More Hated Than Trump? Tucker Carlson Reveals Left’s True Enemy

Donald Trump shocked the political establishment on June 16, 2015, when he announced that he was running for president. Since then, the media and political establishment have been trying to bring him down. Even though the left has tried hard, they haven't been able to destroy Trump, and he's only getting stronger in the polls. But Trump is not the candidate for president who people dislike the most. Tucker Carlson says that the honor goes to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Carlson spends more than 18 minutes in his latest Twitter rant to explain who that person is and why people hate them so much. "The media hated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. more than any other presidential candidate," Carlson said. "Of course you thought that title belonged to Donald Trump. But if you read the news, you'll see that Trump only got a gentle head massage.

In the first line of an article about Kennedy's speech, the New York Times called it a "campaign based on re-litigate COVID-19 shutdowns and shake Americans' faith in science." CBS News called his ideas "misleading and dangerous," and the LA Times called him "a threat to democracy." National Public Radio even spent a whole piece criticizing Kennedy's ideas. People magazine didn't pay attention to what Kennedy said, but instead focused on how much his family hates him.

In 2005, Kennedy wrote a piece for a magazine that linked mandatory childhood vaccines to a rise in autism diagnoses. This made people on the left angry. Kennedy's reporting was thought to be accurate, so the Pharma Lobby launched the most aggressive public relations effort ever to discredit him. Both Rollingstone and published Kennedy's story, but when people complained, they gave in and took the story down.

The American medical establishment has "beclowned" itself by taking views on "vaccines, psychiatric drugs, puberty blockers, reassignment surgeries, and a long list of other politically-motivated priorities that have nothing to do with real science." Carlson said, "It's all really witchcraft." Unlike them, Kennedy is a well-known person, and people know that's why he's winning. Kennedy has tried for years to get people to talk about these things, but no one has been willing to.

In conclusion, the left and the mainstream media have gone after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because he disagrees with the idea that children should have to get vaccines. Kennedy's ideas may be controversial, but he is a mainstream figure compared to the American medical system, which has lost touch with real science.

Source: Townhall

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