
Sanders Betrays Biden Over Gaza, Urges “Uncommitted” Vote

In a stunning move, independent Senator Bernie Sanders has decided to throw his weight behind a campaign urging Michiganders to vote “uncommitted” in the Democratic primary. And why, you may ask? Well, according to The New York Times, it’s all because of President Joe Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza. Apparently, Sanders and his organization, Our Revolution, are not happy with Biden’s support of Israel in its fight against Hamas.

Now, I have to say, it’s always entertaining when the left starts eating its own. Here we have Sanders, who ran against Biden in the 2020 primary, now turning against him because he’s not far-left enough. It’s like watching a bunch of socialists fight over who gets the last crust of bread.

But let’s get to the heart of the matter. Sanders’ group will be sending out an email to 87,000 individuals in Michigan, urging them to vote “uncommitted” in order to “push Biden to change course on Gaza now.” Oh, how noble of them. I’m sure Biden will be trembling in his boots at the thought of losing the support of a bunch of far-left radicals.

Former Democratic Representative Andy Levin of Michigan even chimed in, saying that Biden could lose the general election in Michigan to former President Donald Trump if he doesn’t change his position on the issue. Really, Andy? You think the people of Michigan are going to flock to Trump because Biden isn’t radical enough for them? Talk about living in a fantasy world.

And just to add insult to injury, the RealClearPolitics average shows Trump leading Biden in Michigan by five points. Yes, you heard that right. Trump, the guy they tried to impeach twice, is actually ahead of Biden in a swing state. It’s almost too good to be true.

But it doesn’t stop there. Our Revolution is also targeting voters in other states, hoping to secure support from at least 10% of Democratic primary voters in Michigan. Good luck with that, folks. I have a feeling most Democrats are more concerned with things like the economy and jobs than they are with the war in Gaza.

In the end, it’s just another example of how out of touch the far-left has become. While regular Americans are worried about their jobs, their families, and their futures, Sanders and his cronies are busy protesting Biden’s stance on an overseas conflict. It’s like they live in a different reality. But hey, if they want to keep pushing their radical agenda, I say let them. It’ll only make it easier for conservatives like Trump to win in 2024.

Written by Staff Reports

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