
Sanders Stomps Newsom in Exposé Vid: CA Exodus Unmasked!

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the governor of Arkansas, recently mocked California Governor Gavin Newsom in a humorous video that casts light on the mass exodus taking place in the Golden State. Newsom, with his characteristic arrogance, asserted that the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party, should be on the defensive. Sanders, however, responded swiftly with four straightforward words: "All that in heels." This video eloquently demonstrates Newsom's inability to govern and the repercussions of his decisions.

Newsom begins the video bumbling over his words, obviously uncertain of what he is saying. This is followed by a caustic comment from a small boy in the corner, enhancing the comic effect. Then, a high-heeled shoe, presumably that of Sanders, can be seen trampling across a masonry walkway as the narrator reveals the staggering number of people departing California. In just one year, a record-breaking 407,000 residents left the state. No surprise people are running away!

The video continues by highlighting Arkansas' success in 2022-2023, when it ranked fifth for inbound migrants. Meanwhile, California retains the lamentable second-place position in terms of emigration. Obviously, California has the highest aggregate number of persons leaving, but let's not sweat the details. The statistics speak for themselves.

The advertisement also mentions the lowest unemployment rate in Arkansas's history, a $150 million tax reduction, and one of the highest initial teacher salaries in the country. While some may doubt the veracity of these claims, let's not become fact-checking drones like the Washington Post's Glenn Kessler. Importantly, Arkansas is heading in the correct direction, in contrast to California's downward trajectory.

One need only take a meander through downtown Los Angeles or San Francisco to observe the depressing condition of California. Criminality is a way of life, and it has increased by 6.1% since 2021. When you enter a 7-Eleven, it's like entering a combat zone. Before criticizing other governors, Newsom should perhaps focus on tidying his own domain.

This advertisement exemplifies how conservatives should react to Newsom's ineffective leadership. Newsom is situating himself as the next Democratic nominee due to the ambiguity surrounding President Biden and Vice President Harris. But we cannot allow this to occur. Sanders, along with governors such as Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis, must continue to expose Newsom's record of failure and make certain he never has the opportunity to do to the nation what he has done to California.

It is time for a change, which begins with holding individuals like Newsom accountable for their disastrous policies. Therefore, Sarah Huckabee Sanders deserves praise for deftly mocking Newsom. Let the people decide who should lead our wonderful nation based on the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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