
Satanic Cult Cheers for Biden-Harris 2024, Heralds Doom

The type of folks who wave Biden-Harris banners already raise some eyebrows, so it’s not exactly shocking that a devil-worshipping cult has given their stamp of approval to the Biden Administration for the upcoming 2024 election. The Order of Nine Angels, a downright scary satanic bunch, is throwing their support behind Biden and his sidekick, Kamala Harris, and their agenda is nothing short of terrifying.

The cult made it crystal clear why they’re backing Biden-Harris: because they want to bring about the complete downfall of Western civilization. They say, “Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.” 

The O9A isn’t holding back in their critique of the current state of affairs, painting a grim picture of the world on the brink of chaos under the current leadership. They’re calling out democracy as a flop, predicting the world is about to be smothered by war and overrun by refugees, all thanks to what they describe as “careerist psychopaths” in power. And if that’s not gloomy enough, they’re also throwing shade at leaders cozying up to other countries. 

The O9A is dead set against the idea of having anyone remotely associated with Christianity like Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, or Ron DeSantis take the reins. They’re craving the apocalypse, believing that only Biden and Harris can steer us into the dark ages where only the strong survive and the weak are kicked to the curb.

Headline USA claims that the O9A has ties to U.S. security agencies. Their founder was apparently part of a CIA-backed militia during the Cold War, and their top dog in the U.S., Josh Sutter, has supposedly been playing informant for the FBI for ages. 

The neo-Nazi Blood Tribe also sang Biden’s praises back in September, so this isn’t the first time Biden’s gotten a pat on the back from a rather unsavory group. According to Headline USA, they’re all about Biden because he’s supposedly sending weapons to their neo-Nazi buddies in Ukraine. It’s like a pairing straight out of a horror movie.


Written by Staff Reports

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