
Scalise Crushes Cancer, Leads GOP Blitz on Mayorkas Impeachment

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) is making an incredible comeback after toughing it out against his battle with cancer. After a grueling six months of treatment, Scalise is now in complete remission and ready to storm back into the Capitol to deliver some much-needed Republican power just in time for another shot at impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Scalise’s office has confirmed that the majority leader has successfully completed his stem cell treatment and has been given the all-clear to head back to the swamp. In a statement, his office expressed gratitude for the positive prognosis and the unwavering support from his medical team, family, colleagues, and the great people of Louisiana.

His triumphant return coincides with the looming showdown over the impeachment resolution aimed at charging Mayorkas with high crimes and misdemeanors over his disastrous mishandling of the southern border crisis. With the vote set to take place as early as Tuesday, Scalise’s presence couldn’t come at a more critical time for the GOP, especially considering the recent narrow miss.

In the last attempt to oust Mayorkas, the Republicans fell short due to a few betrayals from within their own ranks and the unexpected appearance of two Democratic representatives. With Scalise on the sidelines, the Republicans just didn’t have the firepower needed to take down their target, leaving the party one vote short in their desperate bid to clean house at the Department of Homeland Security.

But fear not, for hope is on the horizon! Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), the force behind the impeachment resolution, has made it clear that the party’s game plan is to bide their time until Scalise’s return and then launch a full-scale assault on Mayorkas.

If the GOP manages to pull off the impeachment this time, it would mark a historic event, as Mayorkas would be the first Cabinet member to face the wrath of impeachment since way back in 1876. However, the battle is far from won, as the Democratic-controlled Senate is likely to acquit him, leaving the GOP’s efforts as more of a symbolic victory than anything else.

Stay tuned as the drama unfolds in the Capitol, with Scalise poised to return to the fray and lead the conservative charge in their ongoing struggle against the chaos and incompetence of the Biden administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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