
Scandal Deepens: Biden’s ‘Non-Binary’ Energy Official in Hot Water Again!

Former Department of Energy employee Sam Brinton, who identifies as non-binary, is once again in hot water after being caught with even more stolen clothing. Brinton was found to have accumulated a collection of garments from Tanzanian designer Asya Khamsin, who reported her missing luggage over five years ago. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department executed a search warrant at Brinton’s home, where they discovered additional clothing items belonging to Khamsin.

This is not the first time Brinton has faced legal trouble. The former energy waste expert has a history of stealing luggage and was fired from their position at the Department of Energy last year. Brinton’s sticky fingers have led them to various airports, where they would nab bags containing valuable women’s clothing. They would then proceed to wear the stolen garments while giving speeches and making public appearances.

It is concerning that someone with such a flagrant disregard for the law was placed in a position of authority within the DOE. Brinton’s actions not only reflect poorly on the department but also raise questions about the Biden administration’s judgment when appointing high-ranking officials. Republican congressmen, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs, and Louie Gohmert, have called for Brinton’s removal and criticized the lack of transparency in handling this matter.

It is essential that individuals representing our country uphold the highest standards of integrity and respect for the law. Brinton’s repeated thefts and the Department of Energy’s mishandling of this situation undermine the credibility of the Biden administration and raise doubts about their priorities. Americans deserve leaders who prioritize the rule of law and accountability, not individuals with a history of criminal behavior.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden Alum Sam Brinton Swept up in Stolen Clothing Scandal!