
Schools Revamp Math – Liberal Agenda or Essential Update?

The State Board of Education in Virginia has wrapped up its review of math standards and has given the green light to new standards that will be implemented in the 2024-25 school year. This is in line with a previous law passed in 2000 that requires the board to review the state’s standards of learning for core subjects every seven years. It’s about time someone took a look at what our kids are learning!

Governor Glenn Youngkin has been vocal about his concerns regarding K-12 education in the state and has been pushing for improvements. He wants to raise the bar for students, increase accountability between parents and schools, and improve teacher education programs. It’s refreshing to see a governor who actually cares about our kids’ education and wants to make things better.

The new math standards include a few key principles. One of them is that math classes beyond Algebra will now be a requirement for high school graduation. This is a great idea because let’s face it, we need to challenge our students and prepare them for the real world. It’s time to go beyond the basics and push our kids to excel in math.

Another important principle is the emphasis on foundational math skills. It’s crucial for students to have a solid understanding of the basics before moving on to more advanced concepts. This is common sense, but apparently it needed to be spelled out in the standards.

The new standards also highlight the importance of properly preparing teachers. We need to ensure that our educators have the knowledge and skills to effectively teach math to our students. It’s not enough to just throw technology into the mix, teachers need to have a solid foundation in basic computational skills before integrating technology into math work. This is a wise move that will benefit both teachers and students.

Overall, these new math standards are a step in the right direction. They prioritize mastery of basic skills, set clear expectations for each grade level, and promote accountability among teachers, parents, and students. It’s refreshing to see common sense prevail in our education system. Kudos to the State Board of Education for taking a stand and making positive changes.

Written by Staff Reports

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