
SCOTUS Grapples with Biden’s Censorship Push on Social Media

In a recent Supreme Court case, the justices were divided on the issue of whether it’s a problem for the White House to pressure social media companies to remove specific content. This case, known as Murthy v. Missouri, has brought to light the Biden administration’s attempts to censor online content, sparking outrage and concern among conservatives.

One instance that caused controversy was when the Louisiana Department of Justice had a YouTube video removed because it featured citizens voicing their concerns about the state’s COVID-19 guidelines. YouTube claimed the video spread medical misinformation, leading to the Department’s communication officer slamming the move as an interference with the state’s duties.

In another incident, Jill Hines of Health Freedom Louisiana faced censorship on Facebook, with her organization’s page being flagged by fact-checkers and receiving warnings, drastically reducing its reach. She also encountered personal account restrictions after posting about a vaccine mandate bill, a clear example of big tech’s overreach.

The bias against conservative voices on social media platforms continued with Michael Senger, who was permanently banned from Twitter for sharing his critical views on COVID-19 policies and the vaccine. The blatant censorship of dissenting opinions has become a common tactic of these liberal platforms, shutting down any narrative that does not align with their own agenda.

Additionally, Jessica Baumgartner, a freelance reporter, saw her article labeled as “misinformation” by Facebook, stifling her ability to share important stories with the public. Her posts about alternative COVID-19 treatments and the negative effects of masks on children were also flagged, demonstrating the blatant suppression of conservative voices by these leftist tech giants.

These instances highlight the egregious censorship of conservative viewpoints by social media companies and the urgent need for the Supreme Court to address the overreach of the Biden administration. It’s imperative that free speech and diverse opinions are protected, especially in the digital public square, to ensure fairness and uphold the principles of democracy.

Written by Staff Reports

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