
Sen Rand Paul Criticizes Biden Over Border Crisis Terror Threats Calls for Stricter Immigration Policy

Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed President Joe Biden’s handling of the border crisis, pointing out that the influx of illegal immigrants poses not only a terror threat but also a risk of regular criminal behavior. Paul argued that these dangers alone should disqualify Biden from even considering a reelection bid.

The Kentucky Republican noted that the Biden administration could have taken action to prevent the surge at the border but chose not to do so, leading to a situation where individuals from various countries with troubling backgrounds are entering the United States unchecked. Paul highlighted cases where individuals allowed into the country by Biden’s policies went on to commit crimes, pointing to the administration’s failure to address these issues adequately.

Paul criticized Democrat-run sanctuary cities for shielding criminals from deportation and accused Biden of shirking responsibility for the crisis. He emphasized the need for a strict immigration policy that prioritizes border security and prevents the parole of individuals with dubious backgrounds. Paul suggested that a zero-tolerance approach, similar to what he believes former President Trump would have implemented, is necessary to deter further illegal immigration.

In Paul’s view, Biden must take decisive action to secure the border and send a clear message that the United States will not tolerate unlawful entry. The Senator’s remarks underscore conservative concerns about national security and the rule of law, positioning him as a vocal critic of the current administration’s immigration policies.

Written by Staff Reports

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