
Senate Dems in 2024: Biden Who? Hiding from Joe’s Approval Plunge!

In the 2024 election cycle, Senate Democrats are trying to play a sneaky game of dodgeball with President Biden, who is as popular as a skunk at a picnic. According to The Washington Times, these Democrats are all like, “Oh yeah, sure, Biden can come to our states, but no way are we standing next to him for a photo op!” It’s like they’re trying to keep their distance from a stinky cheese, which we all know is Joe Biden’s approval ratings that are lower than a snake’s belly at less than 40%.

In Montana, Democratic Senator Jon Tester is dodging questions about whether he wants Biden to come campaign with him, making a quick pivot to Ukraine aid instead. Talk about a classic sidestep! And in Michigan, Rep. Elissa Slotkin is probably doing the Macarena to avoid standing next to Biden, with his approval rating way lower than that of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. It’s like a popularity contest, and let’s just say Biden is not winning any trophies.

And then there’s Sen. Gary Peters, who’s all like, “Yeah, Biden might show up in battleground states, but I’m not gonna spill the beans on whether our vulnerable senators should be seen with him or not. It’s like Peters is playing a game of “Will Biden or Won’t Biden?” with voters. Meanwhile, Sen. Debbie Stabenow is out here cheerleading for Biden, saying candidates should embrace the guy, especially in Michigan where he’s supposedly brought jobs and supported unions. But come on, who’s buying that load of baloney?

But it’s not just Michigan and Montana where Democrats are doing the Biden two-step. Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Jacky Rosen of Nevada are as silent as clams when it comes to commenting on whether they want Biden’s mug showing up in their states. It’s like they’re all playing a game of “Hide and Seek” with the president, and it seems like they’re all really good at hiding!

The cherry on top of this whole Biden-dodging sundae is that the man himself is as popular as a toothache. His approval rating has plummeted to a measly 34%, and he’s even trailing behind that dapper Donald Trump in hypothetical matchups in key swing states. It’s like watching a game of political limbo, and it seems like Biden’s approval ratings are setting new record lows.

But wait, there’s more! Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania is cozying up to Biden, saying they’ve already campaigned together and hinting at more joint events. Then there’s Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, who’s all like, “I’ll welcome the president if he’s got good news to announce.” It’s like they’re both trying to play nice with the unpopular kid at school.

To top it all off, the Biden campaign is trying to spin this whole situation like a teenager at prom, desperately trying to convince everyone that everything is just peachy. They’re talking about how they’re going to focus on explaining the difference between Biden and Trump, and creating state leadership teams and organizing efforts. It’s like they’re trying to put lipstick on a pig, hoping no one will notice how unpopular Biden really is.

In conclusion, it seems like Senate Democrats are navigating this Biden situation like a game of Minesweeper, trying to avoid the explosive unpopularity of the president. It’s like they’re playing a political game of “Hot Potato,” passing off the hot mess that is the Biden administration. But let’s be real, no amount of spinning and dodging can cover up the fact that Biden is about as popular as Brussels sprouts at a kid’s birthday party.

Written by Staff Reports

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