
Senate GOP Slams Biden’s Pick Tied to Hunter’s Ukrainian Escapades

An outspoken group of Senate Republicans is demanding President Biden to take a hard pass on his choice to lead the US Office of Special Counsel due to his ties to Hunter Biden, the president’s son. Lead by Sen. Marsha Blackburn, these GOP members penned a fiery letter to Biden, expressing serious concerns about Hampton Dellinger’s nomination. The lawmakers want to ensure that the American people have a fair and impartial Special Counsel, and they feel that Dellinger’s connection to the Hunter Biden Burisma matter is a major red flag.

Dellinger, who was tapped for the job by President Biden only a month ago, might have a tough time sailing through the Senate confirmation process, especially with these Republican senators publicly raising a stink about his past ties to Hunter and his Ukrainian energy company gig.

A big part of the GOP’s beef with Dellinger is his work at the law firm where Hunter Biden sought assistance. Emails found in Hunter’s abandoned laptop show that the two even had a cozy dinner together. This cozy relationship has the Republican senators questioning whether Dellinger can truly be impartial and effectively oversee the agency responsible for protecting whistleblowers.\

Sen. Blackburn and her posse also voiced worries about Dellinger’s ability to ensure protection for IRS whistleblowers, particularly those who made claims of political meddling in the Hunter Biden investigation earlier this year. The GOP senators argue that Dellinger’s involvement with the Burisma deal casts serious doubt on his capacity to safeguard these whistleblowers, who play a crucial role in uncovering any alleged preferential treatment under President Biden’s leadership.

This isn’t the first time the Republican politicians have called out Hunter Biden’s shenanigans. They’ve previously implored the current Special Counsel to look into allegations of mistreatment against IRS agents who’ve been speaking out regarding the Hunter Biden investigation.

And let’s not forget, they’re also throwing shade at the Justice Department, accusing it of dragging its feet and showing favoritism during its five-year-long investigation of Hunter Biden. These GOP members are adamant that there’s some fishy business going on, and they’re not letting up on their scrutiny of the Biden family.

On top of this, they’re giving Biden an earful about Dellinger’s past stint at the Justice Department, where he served until June 2023. It seems these Republicans are taking a magnifying glass to every aspect of Dellinger’s professional history to make sure the guy isn’t going to side with the Bidens.

But what’s the harm in thoroughly vetting Dellinger? After all, the guy was confirmed by the Senate to serve as the assistant attorney general to oversee the Office of Legal Policy, a position he held until 2023. The White House even vouched for him, praising his cost-saving moves and critical writings. But clearly, that’s not enough to convince the skeptical Senate Republicans.

The Biden administration has yet to speak out about this Republican-led resistance, and it looks like this whole Dellinger drama could stir up more trouble for Biden. The GOP isn’t playing around and their scrutiny of the president’s family is just heating up. After all, there’s a lot of murky waters to navigate around the Biden clan, and these politically-savvy Republicans are wading in.

Written by Staff Reports

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