
Senate’s Holiday Holdup: $110 Billion Hanging while Biden Blames GOP for ‘Slow-Walking

The Senate couldn’t quite get their act together on Monday, leaving a $110 billion supplemental spending bill for assistance in Ukraine, aid for Israel and Taiwan, and US border security hanging in the balance until 2024. That’s like waiting forever for your dessert to arrive at the restaurant while everyone else’s plates are already cleaned! Some Republicans were straight-up like, “There’s no way we’re getting this bill sorted before we take our holiday break,” and honestly, who can blame them? It’s hard work trying to figure out how to spend all that money!

Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin was all like, “Nope, it’s just not happening before we come back in January,” and Senate Minority Whip John Thune was right there with him, saying, “No way” a vote would happen this week. It’s like everyone in the Senate suddenly realized they forgot to buy Christmas presents and now they’re scrambling at the last minute!

And then there’s Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana, who didn’t sign the letter but still had something to say! He accused President Biden and his team of “slow-walking” the whole negotiation process. It’s like they’re all stuck in quicksand, trying to push this bill forward but getting nowhere fast!

But the biggest drama of all is President Biden demanding that Congress pass this bill ASAP, or else Vladimir Putin gets the best Christmas gift ever. It’s like the ultimate holiday showdown, and Santa’s not happy! Plus, the White House is warning that Ukraine’s military aid could run dry, which totally adds to the pressure.

And let’s not forget about Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s dueling speeches. Schumer was all like, “We need to find the middle ground and make some concessions,” while McConnell was giving props to his colleagues for trying to improve the bill. It’s like they’re all in a big, messy group project and trying to figure out who’s doing the most work!

In the end, it’s a classic case of hurry up and wait as the Senate leaves all the holiday shopping until the last minute. When they finally return, it’s going to be a mad rush to get everything sorted before they can kick back and relax. Good luck, Senate — you’re going to need it!

Written by Staff Reports

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