
Senator Cruz Opposes Biden’s Court Nominee Over Controversial Decision

President Joe Biden has chosen a new nominee for a U.S. District Court, and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is pushing back against this decision. The nominee, federal magistrate judge Sarah Netburn, was appointed by Barack Obama and has a history that has raised concerns among conservatives.

Netburn made a controversial decision in 2022 regarding a convicted criminal named William McClain, who had a troubling past of molesting a nine-year-old boy and raping a 17-year-old girl. Despite these crimes and further offenses, including distributing violent child pornography, Netburn allowed McClain, who now identified as transgender, to be transferred to a women’s prison.

This move by Netburn has sparked outrage, especially from Senator Cruz, who questioned her reasoning during the confirmation hearing. Cruz raised valid concerns about the safety and rights of other female inmates in the prison where McClain was transferred. 


It is evident that Netburn’s decision regarding McClain’s transfer raises questions about her judgment and prioritization of safety and justice. Conservatives are rightfully alarmed by such actions that seem to prioritize political correctness over common sense and the wellbeing of others.

As conservatives continue to stand up against concerning appointments and decisions, it is crucial to hold officials like Netburn accountable for their actions. Upholding the values of safety, justice, and common sense should always take precedence over political agendas.

Written by Staff Reports

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