
Shaky Defense Revealed As Dems Scramble to Uphold Biden’s Abilities Amid Age Debates

In a recent Fox News segment, former Democratic Congressman Harold Ford attempted to defend President Joe Biden’s physical abilities amid growing concerns about his age and fitness for office. Ford praised Biden’s ability to get back up quickly after falling off a bike, suggesting that this was a sign of his overall health. However, Rich Lowry, the editor-in-chief for National Review, promptly responded by noting that Ford’s “standards were pretty low.” And he’s not wrong.

While it may be impressive for a man in his eighties to bounce back quickly from a bike fall, it’s hardly a compelling argument for his reelection. We shouldn’t be setting the bar so low when it comes to choosing our leaders. It’s concerning that some Democrats are willing to overlook Biden’s cognitive decline and make excuses for his frequent gaffes and confusion.

Let’s not forget that Biden’s bike fall required assistance from a Secret Service agent to get back up. And even if Biden can quickly regain his footing after a fall, it doesn’t address the growing questions about his cognitive abilities. There have been numerous instances where Biden has struggled to articulate his thoughts coherently and has made false statements about his family and political history.

As the supposed leader of the free world, Biden’s health and mental acuity should be a top priority. It’s not just about his ability to ride a bike or get up quickly after a fall. It’s about his ability to effectively lead and make important decisions that affect millions of people. The fact that even his own handlers struggle to rescue him from embarrassing moments speaks volumes.

We shouldn’t be willing to give great power to someone who has shown authoritarian tendencies and may have cognitive impairments. These are serious concerns that deserve serious consideration, regardless of party affiliation. Our country deserves better than a President who can barely string together a coherent sentence.

Written by Staff Reports

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