
Shock Resignation Official Quits Over Biden Israel Fumble

In a shocking turn of events, an 11-year veteran of the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs has resigned in protest of President Joe Biden’s policy toward Israel. Josh Paul, a now-former director at the State Department, took to LinkedIn to share his two-page resignation letter, outlining his grievances with the administration’s approach to the recent conflict in the Middle East.

Paul expresses his deep concern over the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust, perpetrated by Hamas terrorists. He believes that President Biden’s support for Israel in defending itself against these terrorists will only lead to further suffering for both Israelis and Palestinians. However, Paul seems to conveniently overlook the fact that Hamas intentionally uses innocent civilians as human shields and operates its terrorist activities from schools and hospitals.

While Paul uses buzzwords like “occupation” and “apartheid” to criticize Israel’s actions, he fails to acknowledge the true enemy of peace in the region: Hamas. Supporting Israel’s efforts to eliminate these terrorists is not an affront to freedom; it is a necessary step towards ensuring the safety and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Paul’s resignation letter also applauds the Biden administration’s efforts to provide aid to Gaza. But what he fails to understand is that this so-called “aid” often ends up in the hands of corrupt officials or in the hands of Hamas. Previous instances have shown that infrastructure meant to improve the lives of Palestinians has been repurposed by Hamas to construct rockets aimed at killing innocent Israelis.

In his resignation letter, Paul argues for a “both-sides” approach, seemingly suggesting that Israel and Hamas should be treated equally. But let’s be clear: Hamas is a terrorist organization backed by Iran. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel and the denial of liberty and justice for all.

We can be grateful that someone who does not support Israel’s fight against terrorism no longer holds a position of power over arms sales. But it is disheartening to see that members of the Biden administration seem to equate the actions of Israel, a democratic nation, with those of Hamas, a group that thrives on violence and hatred.

It is high time that we stand firmly with our ally, Israel, and support their right to defend themselves against terrorist threats. President Biden must reevaluate his approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and recognize that appeasing Hamas will only lead to more violence and suffering.

Written by Staff Reports

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