
Shocking! Hunter Biden’s Prosecutor Caught in Monumental Conflict of Interest

It seems like the plot thickens in the Hunter Biden saga. A new report has revealed a stunning conflict of interest involving one of the prosecutors who played a key role in the controversial plea deal given to Hunter Biden. It turns out that this prosecutor, Derek Hines, used to work for one of Hunter’s business partners. Talk about a small world!

Derek Hines, currently serving as the Assistant United States Attorney, signed off on the charging documents that led to the lenient treatment Hunter Biden received. But here’s the kicker – Hines used to work closely with Louis Freeh, the former FBI director who teamed up with Hunter Biden on a $3 million deal. This means that Hines had a very close professional relationship with someone tied to the very person he was supposed to be prosecuting.

I can’t help but be astonished by this revelation. Even if we give Hines the benefit of the doubt and assume that his connections to Hunter Biden didn’t influence the outcome of the case, it still raises serious questions about the incestuous nature of the federal government. Couldn’t the Department of Justice find a full team of prosecutors without ties to Hunter Biden’s business dealings? This just goes to show how everyone in Washington knows everyone else and has probably worked with them at some point, even if it means crossing ethical lines.

AG Merrick Garland and even Donald Trump’s attorneys general had plenty of opportunities to appoint a special counsel to avoid this kind of situation. But it seems like this kind of cozy relationship is seen as normal in Washington. It’s all about who you know and the favors you can call in. Meanwhile, the American people are expected to just trust that everything is above board. Maybe we should start demanding more transparency and accountability in our government, regardless of the exact nature of this conflict of interest.

As a conservative American, this kind of political cronyism and lack of accountability infuriates me. The liberal elites seem to think they can just do whatever they want, without consequence. Well, I say enough is enough. It’s time for the American people to stand up and demand better from our government.

Whether or not this conflict of interest directly influenced the plea deal given to Hunter Biden, it’s clear that something needs to change. We can’t afford to have a justice system that operates on personal relationships and behind-the-scenes deals. It’s time for true justice and fairness to prevail. Let’s hope that this revelation sparks a much-needed conversation about the need for transparency and integrity in our government.

Source= RedState

Written by Staff Reports

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