
Shocking Link Between Media Backlash on ‘Sound of Freedom’ & Infamous Philosophers!

The movie “Sound of Freedom,” starring Jim Caviezel, has become a surprise hit at the box office, despite facing criticism from the media. The film, which is against the sexual trafficking of children, has sparked debate over its true intentions and messages. Some believe it is a veiled QAnon dog whistle, while others see it as just another thriller. Regardless, the movie has struck a nerve with the media, who have gone to great lengths to discredit it and tie it to conspiracy theories.

One reviewer from, Noah Berlatsky, has been called out for his pro-pedophilia views as a spokesperson for a group called Prostasia. It’s concerning that this critical information was not disclosed in the review, as it would be important for the audience to know. This lack of transparency in journalism is problematic and raises questions about the media’s credibility.

Rolling Stone has also been particularly harsh in their treatment of the film, leading some to believe that the editor-in-chief’s past involvement with whitewashing a story on kiddie porn may have biased their coverage. Additionally, there are concerns that the attack on “Sound of Freedom” is part of a larger effort to normalize pedophilia, which is deeply disturbing.

In order to understand why the media is so eager to discredit this film, it’s important to look at the motivations behind their actions. The elite class in society often sets trends and influences the lower classes. The superwealthy can be seen as the modern-day aristocracy, with others striving to emulate them. These elites have immense power and wealth, but with nothing useful to do, they look for amusements that the commoners can’t enjoy.

This is where child sex trafficking comes into play. It’s a despicable activity that is despised by the civilized world, but it allows the elites to indulge in a dark and taboo pleasure. They can partake in the exploitation of children using their wealth and power, while the strap-hangers, who want to be associated with the elites, defend their actions. The attacks on “Sound of Freedom” can be seen as a reaction to the lower social orders stigmatizing something the elites believe to be perfectly fine.

It’s crucial to recognize the importance of addressing child sex trafficking and not let it be dismissed or swept under the rug. The media’s attempts to discredit this film only serve to protect those who engage in this horrific act. We must speak out against it and demand justice for the victims.

Written by Staff Reports

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