
SHOCKING: NYT Runs ABSURD Cover Piece For Biden Family Corruption

Tom Bevan, the founder of Real Clear Politics, was thrilled to see the New York Times headline that declared an exoneration for President Joe Biden. However, he was also surprised by the committee's findings, which revealed that the Biden family had engaged in an illicit enrichment scheme.

Records show that several members of the Biden household received over $10 million from various sources, with most of the money coming from companies and individuals with ties to the Communist Party of China.

The US committee revealed that the business activities of the Biden family in Romania “suggest a scheme to influence the country's political leaders.”

Although it's not clear if the donations were criminal, given the Department of Justice's ability to bring politically-connected individuals to justice, I wouldn't be surprised to see some degree of criminal liability. The situation looks suspicious, and the public might not trust the department to investigate. The chances of this happening are slim, as the media either doesn't want to talk about the issue or is actively supporting Biden's claims.

The documents revealed that the payments were concealed and could be a red flag that something illegal was happening. Moreover, the nature of the foreign entities that gave the money to the Biden family was suspicious.

The New York Times, on the other hand, decided to prominently feature the findings of the committee and declare an exoneration for Biden. It was an embarrassing attempt at partisan propaganda, and if the roles were reversed, this story would have been front-page news in every newspaper.

The failure of the press to report on the Bidens issue is further evidenced by the fact that the people who signed the letter supporting Hunter Biden's laptop were still content with Politico's headline, which claimed that the emails from his son were being used by the Russians to spread false information.

The campaign tried to discredit the scandal by reaching out to former intelligence officials, who provided their candidate with a talking point. These officials then kept the campaign informed about the efforts of the ringleaders to make false claims in the media.

It is clear that the media is not only avoiding reporting on the Bidens' issues, but it is also actively interfering with them. This is a shocking state of affairs, as the press is supposed to be unbiased, but instead, acts as a mouthpiece for those at the top.

Source: Townhall

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