
Shocking Video! Unfiltered Democrat’s True Take on Biden’s Border Crisis

In a recent Zoom call, New York Democratic Senator and U.S. House candidate John Mannion was caught criticizing Republicans for their concerns over the influx of migrant buses into liberal cities. Mannion admitted that the massive influx of illegal migrants into the state could be a political liability for Democrats, as Republicans can seize on the issue.

Mannion specifically called out Republicans who are worried about buses of migrants coming into their states, even though he himself acknowledged that it was “not fair” to local towns to shelter migrants outside of Manhattan. Mannion expressed his disbelief at the fear and ignorance displayed by Republicans in these very areas he represents.

As a conservative commentator, it’s refreshing to see a Democrat like Mannion actually acknowledging the potential negative consequences of uncontrolled immigration. However, it’s still disappointing to see him resort to name-calling and dismissing his Republican constituents as ignorant. This kind of rhetoric only further divides the two parties and prevents meaningful dialogue on the issue.

Interestingly enough, even New York City officials are sounding the alarm on the mass influx of illegal aliens into the city. Governor Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency in May due to overwhelmed shelters. Hochul even told migrants seeking asylum in Manhattan to “go somewhere else” because the city simply doesn’t have the capacity to handle them. Eric Adams, the city’s mayor, also expressed concern over the Biden administration’s border crisis wreaking havoc on New York City.

It’s clear that the Democrats’ immigration policies are causing problems for their own cities and states. Yet, instead of addressing these issues head-on and working to find solutions, they would rather deflect blame onto Republicans and dismiss their concerns. It’s time for the Democrats to take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions and work towards real solutions that prioritize the well-being of both the migrants and the American citizens they represent.

Written by Staff Reports

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