
Slash-and-Burn: Appeals Court Prepares to Dismantle Trump’s Gag Order!

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is finally taking a “careful scalpel” to the gag order that has been imposed on former President Donald Trump. This order, issued by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, has severe consequences for Trump if he dares to speak out against witnesses, prosecutors, and courthouse staff connected to the trial for his actions on January 6th, 2021. It’s absurd that Trump is being muzzled in this way, preventing him from defending himself against criticism or countering the charges against him.

One of the judges, Judge Patricia Millett, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, compared the order to a straitjacket that would hinder Trump’s ability to fight back if his opponents attack him during a debate. She rightly questioned why Trump should have to speak politely while everyone else is attacking him. It’s a valid point – why should Trump have to hold back his punches while his opponents freely throw jabs at him?

Another Obama appointee, Judge Nina Pillard, also criticized the gag order. She pointed out that Trump’s ability to make critical commentary about public figures who happen to be witnesses has been severely limited. She rightly argued that the testimony of individuals like former Vice President Mike Pence, former Attorney General Bill Barr, or former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley would not be significantly affected by Trump’s comments. It’s clear that this gag order goes too far in preventing Trump from freely expressing himself.

Thankfully, there is some hope that the gag order will be struck down. While the judges agreed that some limitations on Trump’s speech may be necessary to prevent intimidation or threats to the legal process, they seemed to endorse a narrower concept. It’s important that the court carefully reviews this order and considers the implications it has on Trump’s constitutional right to free speech.

It’s worth noting that the prosecution’s claims against Trump are groundless. They falsely accuse him of knowingly encouraging violence and attempting to silence key witnesses like his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows. These claims are nothing more than baseless attacks on Trump, and it’s essential that he is allowed to defend himself against such unfounded allegations.

The fact that 18 states’ attorneys general have filed amicus briefs urging the court to strike down the gag order is a positive sign. These attorneys general understand the importance of free speech, especially when it comes to political candidates. The order infringes on Trump’s rights and threatens the integrity of the election process. It’s time for this gag order to be lifted, and for Trump to be able to speak freely without fear of retribution.

Written by Staff Reports

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