
Sleepy Joe’s Dangerous Dance with China: A Timeline of Betrayal

When Sleepy Joe Biden last met with Xi Jinping, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, he promised that he didn’t want a Cold War with China. But now, it’s become clear that Biden’s promises are about as trustworthy as a used car salesman.

Let’s take a look at the timeline of Biden’s failures when it comes to dealing with China. In February, a Chinese spy balloon was spotted floating above U.S. military installations in Montana. Instead of taking immediate action and defending our country, Biden allowed the balloon to cross the entire United States before it was finally shot down off the coast of South Carolina. It’s clear that Biden is more interested in appeasing the Chinese than protecting our national security.

In April, two Chinese operatives were arrested for operating a secret police station in New York City on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. This is a direct threat to our country, and yet Biden remained silent. His weak response only came in the form of an anonymous official saying they won’t tolerate harassment from foreign governments. That’s not good enough, Sleepy Joe.

In June, it was revealed that China and Cuba had agreed to build a surveillance station in Cuba to spy on our military installations. Rather than taking strong action to protect our interests, Biden simply dismissed the report as “not accurate.” Well, guess what, Joe? It is accurate, and your inaction is putting our country at risk.

In July, it was uncovered that China has been funding K-12 lessons in over 140 school districts since 2009. Our children are being indoctrinated by the Chinese Communist Party, and Biden couldn’t care less. While parents and grassroots organizations are fighting to protect our children’s education, Biden remains silent.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, U.S. officials raided an unlicensed Chinese biolab operating in California. They found hundreds of mice and potentially infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes. This is a clear national security threat, and it happened under Biden’s watch.

Finally, in August, two U.S. sailors were arrested for spying on behalf of China. These individuals were selling out our country for personal gain, and it’s a direct result of Biden’s weak leadership and lack of action.

It’s clear that Biden is a weak global leader, and his inability to stand up to China is putting our national security at risk. We need a leader who will prioritize America’s interests and protect our country from the threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party. Biden’s failures are proof that he’s not up to the task.

Written by Staff Reports

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