
Sneaky Feds Drop Biden Border Bombshell during Distracting Times

In the midst of all the attention on the conflict in Israel, the US Customs and Border Protection discreetly released its September monthly report, hoping to slip it past the American people. But the numbers it revealed are absolutely shocking, and it’s clear that the United States is under siege. The total border encounters in September reached an alarming record high of 269,735. That’s right, folks, we are under attack!

Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins reported on the release, stating that these numbers are the highest ever recorded. In fact, 2,475,669 border encounters have taken place since Biden took office. And let’s not forget about the 267 terrorists who were caught at the border. Just imagine how many slipped through undetected! This is a true invasion, and it’s happening right under our noses.

Former first son Donald Trump Jr. didn’t hold back in his response to the report. He pointed out that the Biden administration deliberately chose to release the numbers on a weekend, hoping no one would pay attention. Trump Jr. also highlighted the frightening numbers: over 8 million illegal aliens have entered the country since Biden took office, and there have been 72,823 illegal special interest aliens from countries known for harboring terrorism over the last two years. This is not a coincidence, folks. The Democrats are intentionally allowing our country to be destroyed.

But wait, there’s more! Not only are terrorists slipping through the border, but the Daily Fetched reports that the CBP has seized a staggering 27,000 pounds of fentanyl this year, almost double the amount from last year, and more than five times the rate during President Trump’s tenure. This increase in seizures is a clear indication that even more drugs are making their way into our country.

And it’s not just drugs that we need to worry about. Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor at New York University Medical School, has warned that some of these migrants are bringing deadly, drug-resistant diseases into the US. When they are bussed to cities like New York, they bring these infectious diseases with them, putting American lives at risk.

Folks, we need to wake up and realize the grave danger our country is in. The crisis at the border is not just about illegal immigration; it’s about national security and the future of our great nation. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye any longer. The time for action is now.

Written by Staff Reports

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