
SNL Mocks Biden’s Abilities, But Who’s Really Laughing?

The leftist liberal propaganda machine, Saturday Night Live, decided to take a not-so-subtle swipe at the Biden regime’s propaganda efforts on their so-called “comedy” show. They ran a skit mocking a fake interview between CNN’s Dana Bash and the disgraced Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas.

In the sketch, the actor portraying Mayorkas went all in, pretending that Biden is some sort of superhero, claiming he parkoured over the border wall, flipped into the Rio Grande, and emerged with a fish in his mouth. A real knee-slapper, especially in light of the crisis at the southern border that Biden refuses to address.

But the joke’s on them, as the real Mayorkas came out defending Biden’s mental and physical capabilities, claiming he’s sharp as a tack behind closed doors. Please, spare us the theatrics. We’ve all seen Biden stumbling through speeches, relying on cue cards, and needing assistance just to find his way around.

It’s no wonder the American people are left scratching their heads at the gaslighting coming out of this administration. Maybe SNL finally realized that even they can’t ignore the elephant in the room – Biden’s mental fitness for office.

Kudos to CNN’s Dana Bash for playing along with this charade. Perhaps she should spend less time cracking jokes with Mayorkas and more time holding this administration accountable for their blatant lies and incompetence.

In the end, while SNL may think they’re being clever, the truth remains that the American people deserve transparency and honesty, not empty jokes and distractions. It’s time to see action, not comedy, from the Biden regime.

Written by Staff Reports

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