
Squad Member Bush Caught in Fed Cash Misuse Scandal!

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a vocal member of the far-left “Squad,” is in hot water as the Justice Department has reportedly launched an investigation into her alleged misuse of government funds meant for her personal security. The grand jury subpoena, which arrived at the House of Representatives on Monday, didn’t hold back in its pursuit of the truth, although it didn’t outright name Bush or specify the charges. Later reports, however, identified Bush as the target of the subpoena for her purported misappropriation of federal security funds.

When Democratic leaders were prodded for more information, they conveniently dodged the questions, with Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar (D-CA) slyly suggesting that the Justice Department would have to spill the beans. The Justice Department, equally tight-lipped, declined to comment when the Washington Examiner came knocking for a statement.

Now, hold on to your hats, folks! Here’s the kicker: every member of the House gets a cool $25,000 representational allowance to fork over for personal security when they’re away from the Capitol. That cash can be used for everything from securing member-hosted shindigs in their districts to protecting their district offices during official business hours. And what do you know? Bush has been accused of going hog wild with her campaign funds, funneling thousands of dollars into her own security as her biggest campaign expense. This isn’t the first time Bush has had folks raising their eyebrows at her security spending – last year, she found herself in the hot seat over allegations that she paid her then-husband for security services during the 2022 midterm cycle.

A spokesperson for Bush has gone MIA, conveniently vanishing into thin air when the Washington Examiner came a-knocking. But we’re all ears, folks — where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and it looks like Rep. Bush might just be feeling the heat from that proverbial kitchen.

Written by Staff Reports

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