
Squad Scandal: Rep. Bush’s Sketchy Security – Hubby Paid, No License!

Representative Cori Bush (D-MO) is shocked to find herself in the middle of a scandal and facing multiple ethics charges. The Committee to Defeat the President is leading the charge, asking for answers, and holding this Squad member responsible for what she did. They have filed complaints with a number of offices, like the Office of Congressional Ethics and the Department of Justice, asking for a probe to happen right away.

Bush's campaign funds were used to pay her now-husband, Courtney Merritts, for security services. This is at the heart of the issue. But here's the big surprise: Merritts is not even licensed to be a security guard in Missouri. It seems like Bush likes to do shady things. Fox News's latest coverage shows how the language of the payments to Merritts has been changed over time to hide any wrongdoing. It's just a way to hide the truth.

In its message to the Office of Congressional Ethics, the Committee doesn't leave any doubts. If the payments were for protection services, then Merritts is doing business without the right licenses, which is against the law. This makes a lot of people wonder if it's acceptable for campaign money to be used for illegal things. And if Merritts didn't do any security work at all, then it's scary to think that Bush and her team may have used money for their own benefit. This goes against House Rule XXIII(2), which says that campaign money can't be used for personal things.

Ted Harvey, who is in charge of the Committee to Defeat the President, was very harsh in his criticism. Harvey says, "It turns out that 'The Squad' members aren't the progressive revolutionaries they say they are; they're just regular Beltway con artists." He says that Bush put money in the pockets of her family at the cost of taxpayers and donors, breaking both state and federal laws in the process. Harvey says he will hold her accountable in Washington, D.C. and back home in Missouri, just like the radical Left would hold any Republican responsible.

Bush defended her own need for private protection, so let's not forget that. She says that people have tried to kill her and that she has too much to do. But here's a reality check: cutting off money to the cops is not the answer, and it doesn't mean she hasn't done anything wrong. It's surprising that she can publicly support cutting money from an organization that she says she needs for her own safety.

This is not the only complaint about Bush's morals. Last month, a report was filed about her questionable ways of raising money. For example, she shamelessly asked for donations on Twitter by talking about how she interrupted the House floor. It looks like she is willing to bend the rules when it helps her get what she wants.

It's time for people to be held accountable. The Committee to Defeat the President is working hard to make sure that Bush pays for what she has done. It's clear that she and the other members of her Squad are not the progressive fighters they say they are. Instead, they are just another group of politicians trying to get rich while breaking the rules. Americans deserve better than this, and it's time to hold them all to the same standards, no matter what party they belong to.

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