
Staggering Homelessness Surge Rattles America under Bidenomics!

Under Joe Biden’s failed presidency, the well-being of American families has taken a hit. With crushing inflation and uncontrolled illegal immigration, it’s no wonder that the issue of homelessness in the United States has reached record levels. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, homelessness has soared by a staggering 12 percent this year.

The largest increase in homelessness was seen among families with children, with a rise of 15.5 percent. Unaccompanied youths also experienced a significant increase, with a 15.3 percent spike. This 12 percent surge, totaling approximately 653,100 people on a single night, is the highest one-year increase since the government began tracking these statistics in 2007.

Dennis Culhane, a researcher and homelessness expert, pointed to the unchecked illegal immigration as a major factor driving the unprecedented rise in homelessness. He stated, “To me, the story is the migrant crisis. Even without the migrant crisis, we would have seen some increase, but certainly not to this extent.” It’s clear that illegal aliens have been taking up space in homeless shelters and other housing programs, which were intended for American citizens in need.

The shortage of affordable homes and the high cost of housing are among the primary causes of homelessness in the country. Many Americans live paycheck to paycheck, making them one crisis away from becoming homeless. It’s absurd that taxpayer resources are being drained by illegal aliens, who shouldn’t even be in the country, while hundreds of thousands of Americans, including families with children, are left to sleep on the streets.

Joe Biden’s America has become a crime-ridden haven for unvetted migrant populations, putting public safety at risk and depleting taxpayer resources. Democrat-run cities have already become breeding grounds for homelessness, drug use, and rampant crime. If things continue on this path, the entire nation could find itself engulfed in this tragic situation.

Written by Staff Reports

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