
Starbucks Strikes: SJW Baristas’ Shocking LGBTQ+ War on Coffee Lovers!

The social justice warriors at Starbucks are at it again, this time trying to force their radical LGBTQ+ agenda on the company’s customers and management. The so-called “baristas union” has organized a strike across 150 Starbucks stores, accusing the company of removing Pride flags and decorations. The truth is, Starbucks has not changed its policy on decorating stores for Pride events, but the union is determined to push its radical agenda regardless of the facts.

The union and its supporters staged pickets outside several Starbucks stores, chanting slogans like “New York is a union town! On Strike! Shut it down!” It’s a disgusting display of hostility toward the company and its customers, and it’s hard to see how Starbucks can continue to tolerate such behavior.

Of course, the media is spinning this as a heroic struggle for LGBTQ+ rights, but the truth is far more complicated. For one thing, many Starbucks employees aren’t happy with the union’s aggressive tactics. As one shift supervisor put it: “Once we decided to unionize, they were like, ‘We’ve had enough of this progressive stuff.'”

And let’s not forget the real victims here: the customers who are being denied access to their favorite coffee shops because of the union’s reckless and irresponsible actions. It’s time for Starbucks to stand up to these radicals and defend its customers and employees against their dangerous agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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