
State AGs Battle Biden’s Push to Label Gun Owners as Dealers

President Biden has been attempting to restrict Second Amendment rights, but a group of state attorneys general are standing up to his efforts. The Biden administration has been seeking to make it a crime for gun owners to sell their firearms to other private citizens, effectively labeling everyday gun owners as “gun dealers.” The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, under Biden’s direction, is working to implement this attack on law-abiding gun owners. A report from the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action revealed that a new law signed by Biden eliminated the “livelihood” portion of the definition of a “gun dealer,” leaving only the “profit” aspect. This means that any gun owner selling a weapon to a friend or family member could be considered a “gun dealer” and could face potential legal consequences.

The Justice Department, overseeing the ATF, published this rule, which will go into effect in May. These rules could have a chilling effect on gun owners and ultimately lead to a de facto ban on private gun transfers. Additionally, the rules are intended to cover ATF actions seeking to confiscate firearms, ammunition, and profits from gun sales. In response, a coalition of state attorneys general has filed lawsuits to challenge these federal rules. Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, with the support of 21 other state AGs, has spoken out against the rule, stating that it would turn millions of citizens into instant criminals. The new rule would require individuals to obtain a federal firearms dealer license for any sale the ATF deems a profit, potentially making a felon of anyone selling a firearm to a family member or friend.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has also launched a lawsuit against the federal government for unlawfully attempting to violate Americans’ constitutional right to privately buy and sell firearms. Paxton argues that the ATF’s restrictions go beyond its authority and are a violation of the Second Amendment. A group of 26 states, including Utah and Mississippi, have joined Paxton’s lawsuit. These attorneys general are challenging the Biden administration’s attempts to eliminate Second Amendment rights and criminalize millions of Americans. The ATF’s new rules are seen as a backdoor effort to undermine Second Amendment rights, and these state officials are dedicated to standing up for the constitutional freedoms of their citizens.

Written by Staff Reports

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