
Sunrise Movement Hesitant to Support Biden Amid Climate, Gaza Concerns

A well-known group of environmental activists, the Sunrise Movement, who had been an ally of President Joe Biden and helped with his climate plan in 2020, has not shown support for Biden again in the 2024 election. The group, known for its progressive Democratic values, made headlines in the past for protesting in Nancy Pelosi’s office alongside Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Their discontent with Biden stems from his stance on fossil fuel projects and his handling of the conflict in Gaza. According to the group’s communications director, Stevie O’Hanlon, Biden’s actions have led to a lack of enthusiasm from environmentalist voters.

The Sunrise Movement has not officially endorsed Biden for the 2024 election but is currently planning a large-scale campaign to mobilize young voters, similar to their efforts in 2020. They have emphasized their previous efforts to contact 3.5 million young voters, urging them to vote against Donald Trump. The group’s lukewarm reception of Biden is indicative of the challenges he faces in retaining support from young voters, a key demographic that contributed to his victory in the previous election.

Despite the group’s environmental focus, their frustrations extend to the war in Gaza. They have strongly criticized Biden’s approach to the conflict, even going as far as labeling it a “genocide” and warning him that his handling of the situation could result in losing the election to Trump if he continues to provide funding to Israel.

While the Biden administration has touted its climate policies, citing significant investments to combat climate change, the Sunrise Movement remains hesitant to endorse him fully. Despite their reservations, the group is indirectly supporting Biden by once again advocating for young voters to vote against Trump. They recently shared a video from Rep. Jamaal Bowman, urging people to take action and vote to prevent individuals who they believe are turning the country into a “fascist state” from gaining power.

In conclusion, the Sunrise Movement’s reluctance to fully support Biden in the upcoming election underscores the challenges the president faces in retaining the support of young voters. The group’s discontent with Biden’s policies on fossil fuels and the conflict in Gaza, coupled with their determination to mobilize young voters, highlights the potential obstacles the president may encounter in securing their enthusiasm for his candidacy.

Written by Staff Reports

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