
Sununu Charts Path for Trump 2024 Win by Targeting Policies Over Personal Attacks

Chris Sununu, the savvy New Hampshire governor, and a likely GOP strategist, recently laid out the golden road for Donald Trump to reclaim the White House in 2024, and it appears to be paved with simple advice: stick to the issues. According to Sununu, if Trump focuses on critiquing Vice President Kamala Harris’s policies instead of engaging in personal attacks, victory could be a cakewalk. That sounds straightforward enough unless, of course, Republican primary battles cause amnesia about the efficacy of sticking to facts over fisticuffs.

Nikki Haley, the former U.N. ambassador and a Trump rival, chimed in last week, suggesting that the ex-President ought to stop whining about Harris and lay off the labels. Sununu, still basking in Haley’s spotlight as her primary supporter, made the case that any Republican who isn’t Trump would be ahead of Harris by a solid ten points. That’s right, folks—imagine a world where even your average GOP candidate could outpace the Vice President of the United States in the polls. Dark times indeed for the Democrats.

The governor pointed out that Trump enjoys solid backing from male voters but faces a bit of a pickle with the ladies; he’s trailing Harris by a notable margin since she joined the fray. Sununu foresees a surge in female voter turnout—yet another reason for Trump to focus less on Harris’s hair and more on her radical policies. After all, what could be more appealing than reminding voters that they’ll be choosing between the most unpopular vice president in history and a candidate that is as close to the common American as a six-figure, gated estate?

Sununu didn’t stop there. He also brought attention to Harris’s decision to run with the ultra-liberal Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her partner in crime. The New Hampshire governor painted a picture of a potential “huge Republican win” on the horizon, arguing that if Trump can get his act together in the crucial final weeks leading up to the election, it’s a slam dunk. In essence, the advice is simple: remind voters that they’re more important than any bloated government scheme.

Now, as luck would have it, the Democratic National Convention is set to take place in Chicago—a city that has earned a reputation for its, shall we say, less-than-ideal safety conditions. Talk about a self-inflicted wound for the Democrats! Sununu sees this as an Achilles heel for Harris and her crew, a perfect opportunity for Republicans to point out that hosting the DNC in a city like Chicago reflects the Democrats’ true priorities.

And when it seemed like the conversation couldn’t get any juicier, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy joined the chorus, advising Trump to steer clear of questioning the legitimacy of Harris’ campaign crowds. Instead, he should direct his energy toward dismantling her ever-changing positions. Of course, Trump has had fun poking at the idea that Harris might be using artificial intelligence to fluff her numbers, but reality check: Harris’s camp insists the controversial crowd photo in question was untouched by technology. One has to wonder—does truth matter less in politics than the spells of smoke and mirrors? In an election where the stakes couldn’t be higher, the answer could make all the difference.

Written by Staff Reports

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