
Sununu Teases Imminent Showstopper GOP Endorsement for 2024!

Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, who happens to be a Republican, recently announced his plan to endorse a Republican presidential candidate for the 2024 election. In an interview with CBS News on Tuesday, Sununu expressed his fondness for all the potential candidates, saying, “We’re all friends. We’re all tight. I think they would all make great presidents.” However, he assured that he will narrow down his choice and throw his support behind one candidate in the coming weeks.

The media and political observers have taken note of Sununu’s recent interactions with former Ambassador Nikki Haley and Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida. Sununu has campaigned with both of them, leading to speculation that he might endorse one of them. When asked about Haley, Sununu praised her while emphasizing the importance of the field narrowing. He also expressed admiration for DeSantis, who has been holding his own and consistently polling in second place nationally. Sununu observed that some candidates have surged only to fade away, while others who were once on the debate stage are no longer in the race.

Haley herself seemed eager to obtain Sununu’s endorsement during a recent event in New Hampshire. Although Sununu did not explicitly commit to endorsing her, he indicated that they were getting closer every day. Similarly, when Governor DeSantis campaigned in New Hampshire, Sununu commended his politics and did not rule out the possibility of endorsing him.

It is worth noting that while both DeSantis and Haley are trailing behind former President Donald Trump, Sununu believes that any Republican contender can defeat him. He pointed out that Trump’s support is not polling above 50% in states like New Hampshire, which holds the first primary in the Republican nominating calendar. Sununu plans to spend more time with the other candidates and make a decision shortly after Thanksgiving.

Sununu also highlighted the importance of the New Hampshire voters, who are known for being independent-minded. He stated that while they consider endorsements, they ultimately make their own decisions because they have the opportunity to meet and engage with the candidates themselves. Sununu emphasized that the state does not rely on party bosses to dictate their thoughts and actions.

In this crucial early stage of the 2024 election, it is clear that Governor Chris Sununu is an influential figure in New Hampshire Republican politics. His endorsement will certainly be highly sought after, as he has the potential to significantly sway the opinions of voters in the important early primary state.

Written by Staff Reports

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