
Supreme Court Backs Biden’s Border Barrier Battle: Potential Disaster for Texas?

In a disappointing ruling, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to allow the Biden administration to open Texas’s border barrier, overturning an appeals court decision that favored Texas’s efforts to secure the border. This temporary stay is a setback for Texas, as it continues to fight against the Biden administration’s disastrous open border policies.

The appeals court had previously granted an injunction in favor of Texas, recognizing the urgent need to address the alarming increase in illegal border crossings. In 2021 alone, the number of Border Patrol encounters with migrants entering the country illegally skyrocketed to 1.7 million, and in 2022 it reached a staggering 2.4 million. These numbers highlight the grave consequences of unchecked illegal immigration, including the exploitation of human trafficking by dangerous drug cartels.

Texas had launched Operation Lone Star to assist the overwhelmed Border Patrol, including the installation of concertina wire along sections of the border. This wire proved to be an effective deterrent, significantly reducing illegal crossings. The Border Patrol welcomed the assistance from Texas law enforcement, and the collaboration between both parties was evident in their joint efforts to secure the border.

However, the main point of contention arose when Border Patrol agents were cutting the wire without notifying Texas, despite the agreement that wire cutting should only occur in emergencies. Texas rightfully sued to stop federal agents from trespassing on their property and violating the law. Unfortunately, the Biden administration’s Department of Justice sought to dismiss the case, claiming immunity for federal agencies. Thankfully, the appeals court rejected this baseless claim, recognizing the need to protect property rights from government intrusion.

The Supreme Court’s decision to issue a stay on the appeals court’s ruling is troubling. It suggests that there is a likelihood the court will review the case and potentially overturn the lower court decision. This outcome is deeply concerning for those who want to see our borders secured and the rule of law respected.

It is disappointing to see Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett siding with the liberal justices on this issue. Given their votes in favor of the stay, it raises concerns about their willingness to uphold the law and protect our borders. This decision further emphasizes the importance of the upcoming White House rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, as the outcome will greatly impact the direction of our immigration policies.

It is crucial for conservatives and all Americans who prioritize national security to remain vigilant and continue to push for stronger border protection measures. The Supreme Court’s ruling is a setback, but it is not the end of the fight. We must continue to hold the Biden administration accountable for its reckless approach to border security.

Written by Staff Reports

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