
Supreme Court Shocks Libs, Exposes Asian American Bias Against Affirmative Action

Last week, the Supreme Court delivered a series of decisions that refuted the liberal agenda, causing progressives to lose their minds. Instead of maturely accepting the rulings and finding ways to persuade others, the left has resorted to throwing tantrums and attacking the Supreme Court and the Asian American community. Why? Because they oppose affirmative action.

The liberal media, predominantly run by white, college-educated individuals, seem to be living in a bubble that prevents them from seeing the reality. They continue to push the false narrative that the Asian American community overwhelmingly supports affirmative action. However, poll data has shown for years that Asian Americans are not on board with race and ethnicity being factors in college admissions.

Despite this evidence, Vox, NBC News, and other mainstream outlets insist on publishing articles and segments claiming there is a groundswell movement among Asian communities supporting affirmative action. But let’s unpack these articles and see the truth. When you read the headlines, they suggest that many Asian Americans support affirmative action. However, buried within the same articles are statistics that show the majority of Asian Americans do not believe race and ethnicity should factor into college admissions.

It’s clear that Asian Americans do not support the policies pushed by coastal elitists. And anyone who claims otherwise is spreading propaganda and fake news. The truth is that the Asian American community overwhelmingly believes that race or ethnicity should not play a role in college admissions.

But the liberal media continues to push their false narrative, and some commentators have even resorted to accusing Asians of being white supremacists. It’s absurd and shows the infantilism of the left. They can’t handle the fact that their political views are being rejected, so they resort to name-calling and smearing entire races of people.

The reality is that affirmative action is not even popular among the general population. A Washington Post/Schar School Poll from 2022 showed that 63 percent of all Americans want affirmative action to be eliminated. Yet the progressive left continues to lecture the Asian American community about their supposedly “wrong” political views.

It’s time for the liberal media and progressives to grow up and accept that their agenda is not resonating with the American people. They can continue to live in their bubble, but the rest of us will embrace facts and truth.

Source: Townhall

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