
Surge Shock: Transgender Surgeries Triple Pre-Covid!

A shocking new study has revealed that the number of transgender surgeries nearly tripled in the years leading up to the pandemic. From 2016 to 2019, a staggering 48,000 individuals underwent gender-transitioning surgeries. In 2019 alone, there were about 13,000 of these procedures performed. However, with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, there was a significant drop in the number of surgeries.

It is truly concerning to see such a dramatic increase in the number of individuals seeking gender-transitioning surgeries. This trend is indicative of a larger societal shift towards promoting and normalizing transgenderism. While it’s important to respect the choices and struggles of individuals experiencing gender dysphoria, we must also be cautious of the long-term consequences of medical interventions.

Furthermore, the study’s methodology raises some questions. The researchers relied on patient records with diagnosis codes such as “gender identity disorder” or “transsexualism,” terms that are now considered outdated and offensive. It is troubling to see research being conducted based on terminology that is no longer deemed appropriate.

It is also worth noting that the majority of individuals undergoing these surgeries were between the ages of 19 to 30, with over 21% falling into the 31 to 40 age range. This suggests that young adults are particularly vulnerable to the influence of the transgender movement, which often portrays transitioning as the only solution for individuals struggling with their gender identity.

Breast and chest procedures were found to be the most common types of transgender surgeries, occurring twice as frequently as other procedures. This raises concerns about the medical risks and potential complications associated with these surgeries.

Overall, this study highlights the need for further research and discussion surrounding the rapidly growing phenomenon of transgender surgeries. It is crucial that we approach these topics with caution and thoughtful consideration, rather than jumping on the bandwagon of societal trends.

Written by Staff Reports

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