
Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence a Health Emergency Pushing Radical Gun Control Agenda

In an almost laughable escalation of nanny-state antics, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has just declared gun violence a public health emergency. Apparently, Murthy thinks regulating firearms is as straightforward as cracking down on cigarette smoking or motor vehicle accidents. What’s next, a crusade against plastic straws?

Murthy is calling for a variety of restrictive measures: banning so-called “assault weapons,” regulating an entire industry, mandating how people store their guns at home, and universal background checks. He insists these steps have the potential to halt the rising tide of firearm-related injuries and deaths. All of this sounds like typical left-wing alarmism aimed at bypassing Congress to slide in unconstitutional gun control laws.

Of course, Murthy insists there’s consensus on the issue, citing a poll suggesting Americans worry their loved ones might get hurt by a firearm. Sure, if one believes selectively cherry-picked polls, anything can become a crisis. Even doctors, particularly those from organizations that have been in the pocket of big government for over a decade, applaud Murthy’s stance. They claim they’ve “seen the devastating impact” of gun violence, yet they conveniently overlook that lawful gun owners aren’t the ones shooting up their neighborhoods.

Unsurprisingly, the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups didn’t take long to fire back. They argue that this move is just another chapter in the Biden administration’s never-ending war on law-abiding gun owners. The NRA points out the real issue: a lack of will to prosecute and punish actual criminals. Pretty simple concept—focus on real crime, not law-abiding citizens.

Public commentary on Murthy’s announcement was a veritable roast of his so-called advisory. Critics argued that if the government were truly concerned about public health, they’d target obesity or inactivity with the same zeal. Never mind that the Surgeon General has no business meddling in Second Amendment rights. This “advisory” is just the latest stunt to brand radical gun control laws under a new, “public health” facade.

This episode makes one thing clear: the Biden administration continues its fearmongering campaign to advance a radical gun-grabbing agenda rather than addressing actual problems. With some states glossing over crime stats and others decriminalizing violent acts, it’s no wonder the left is seeking any distraction to sidestep the real issues. But blaming firearms and overlooking the contribution of repeat offenders isn’t just lazy—it’s a blatant betrayal of every law-abiding gun owner in the country.

So here’s an advisory worth issuing: stop the charades and uphold the Constitution. Law-abiding citizens aren’t the problem; it’s time to address the real culprits.

Written by Staff Reports

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