
Susan Rice’s History of Dishonesty and Deceit: Biden’s Top Adviser Leaves White House

Susan Rice, who currently serves as President Joe Biden’s top domestic policy adviser, is leaving the White House. While some may laud her public service record, others cannot forget her history of dishonesty and deceit. Under Barack Obama’s presidency, Rice served as White House National Security Advisor and a United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Yet, it was during her time as National Security Advisor that Rice lied to the American people about the cause of the deadly 9/11 terror attack in Benghazi. Her lies resulted in the deaths of Navy SEALS, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and contractor Sean Smith. Instead of facing any consequences, Rice worked to get promoted inside the federal government.

Additionally, Rice was heavily involved in unmasking a number of Americans, including former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Although she shrugs off her actions as necessary to protect American people, it is clear that Rice’s actions had political motivations.

The news of Rice’s departure comes just one day before President Biden plans to announce his re-election campaign. It is likely that Rice will join the campaign for the 2024 presidential run. Conservatives should be cautious of Rice and her political motives, as her history has proven that her integrity is questionable. President Biden may express gratitude for Rice’s service, but her actions speak for themselves.

Source: Townhall

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