
Taiwan Condemns China Military Drills Amid New Presidential Term

Taiwan has criticized China for conducting military exercises near the island aimed at punishing “separatist acts” following the inauguration of Taiwan’s newly elected president. The Taiwanese Deputy Foreign Minister condemned the military drills as a provocative flexing of China’s muscles. He emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to maintaining the status quo and promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

The deputy foreign minister also expressed concerns about China’s efforts to disrupt Taiwan’s security and prosperity. He highlighted Taiwan’s determination to defend itself and its efforts to communicate its stance on democracy, human rights, and economic development to the world.

The joint military exercises, dubbed “Joint Sword-2024A,” have been described as China’s response to Taiwan’s push for independence and a warning against interference by external forces. The drills included simulated attacks and crossing the Taiwan Strait’s median line, escalating tensions between the two governments.

Taiwan’s president, Lai Ching-te, urged China to end its political and military intimidation and called for dialogue and cooperation based on mutual respect and dignity. These actions reflect the Democratic Progressive Party’s stance, which is perceived as being more pro-U.S., while the Kuomintang is seen as more pro-China.

Overall, Taiwan has condemned China’s military exercises as provocative and disruptive, emphasizing its commitment to maintaining peace and security in the region.

Written by Staff Reports

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