
Ted Cruz Exposes CNN & MSNBC as “Hamas’ Air Force” in Propaganda War

In a recent episode of “The Verdict,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) didn’t hold back when discussing the mainstream media’s biased coverage of the Hamas-Israel conflict. Cruz pointed out that Hamas has a battle plan, and an essential part of it is their propaganda campaign. They use civilians as human shields in order to exploit civilian casualties and vilify Israel. And who is aiding them in this endeavor? According to Cruz, it’s none other than CNN, MSNBC, and ABC. He calls them “Hamas’ Air Force.”

Cruz specifically called out MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and The Los Angeles Times’ Adam Elmahrek for their distorted coverage. Velshi attempted to downplay Hamas’ atrocities by comparing them to Israel’s judicial reforms, while Elmahrek denied the Israeli military’s account of murdered babies. Cruz placed the blame squarely on the far-left bias of the media, claiming that they have a seething hatred for Israel and are motivated by anti-Semitism.

ABC’s “The View” also came under fire, as co-host Sunny Hostin compared Hamas to the Proud Boys and accused Israel of war crimes. Cruz refuted her claims, emphasizing that there is no moral equivalency between Hamas, a global terrorist organization responsible for beheading infants, and the Proud Boys. He mockingly questioned her legal expertise, suggesting that no one in their right mind would hire her as a lawyer.

CNN wasn’t spared either. Cruz criticized the network for giving a platform to Palestinian National Initiative leader Mustafa Barghouti, whom he referred to as a “paid liar for Hamas.” Barghouti falsely characterized Hamas’ attacks as military actions and accused Israel of targeting civilians. Cruz slammed his lies and hypocrisy, pointing out that Hamas openly boasts about committing war crimes.

Overall, Cruz asserted that the mainstream media is complicit in Hamas’ war plan. They serve as a propaganda machine, amplifying Hamas’ claims and undermining Israel’s defense. As long as networks like CNN, MSNBC, and ABC continue to push their biased narratives, the truth will be buried and innocent lives will be lost

Written by Staff Reports

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