
Teflon Trump Defies Odds: Indictments Can’t Stop 2024 GOP Comeback!

Donald Trump, the Teflon Don of politics, has once again proven his resilience as a contender for the Republican Party’s 2024 nomination. With two indictments and two impeachments under his belt, one would think he’d be down for the count, but not our guy! The Russian collusion sham and never-ending leaks from the biased intelligence community harmed not only him but his administration’s ability to govern efficiently. But despite all of this, Trump has managed to outlast the haters and naysayers who continue to underestimate him.

The latest indictment against Trump regarding allegedly mishandling classified materials is just another fly in the ointment that won’t stick. Even as the trial date looms, Trump is neck-and-neck with Joe Biden in a recent Quinnipiac poll, causing ABC News’ Jonathan Karl to express despair over the fact that Trump still maintains so much support. The poll proves that Trump is here to stay and will be a major force to be reckoned with in the upcoming 2024 election.

And let’s not forget the recent Harvard Harris poll which revealed that 56% of Americans believe that the latest indictment is nothing more than election interference from the biased Justice Department. The same institution that has consistently shown itself to be nothing more than a pawn for the Democratic Party in their quest to take down Trump. It’s no wonder half the country views them as errand boys for whoever holds the power.

While Trump’s resiliency is remarkable, some pundits wonder if it’s good for the Republican Party this cycle. Despite the negativity surrounding him in the 2022 election, these premature polls only reaffirm Trump’s Teflon status and prove that nothing will bring him down. Trump is the GOP’s best bet for winning in 2024 and no amount of biased indictments will change that.

Source: Townhall

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