
Telemarketer Takedown: Pesky Callers Owe Millions in Settlement!

Well, butter my biscuit! It looks like those pesky telemarketers are finally getting what’s coming to ’em! Freedom Financial Network and their cronies have been caught red-handed violatin’ the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, and now they gotta pay up in a big ol’ $9.75 million class action settlement. Yeehaw!

The lawsuit, filed by a group of brave souls who were tired of them annoyin’ phone calls, has put the heat on Freedom Financial Network, Freedom Debt Relief, Fluent, and Lead Science. And even though them defendants are denyin’ any wrongdoing, they done agreed to fork over the dough to settle this whole mess. The deadline for folks to get in on the action is comin’ up real soon, so if you got them pesky calls between May 17, 2017, and April 17, 2018, you better saddle up and file a claim before it’s too late.

Now, y’all might be wonderin’, “How much dough am I gonna get?” Well, the amount ya get from this here settlement depends on how many folks file a claim, but it could be anywhere from $60 to $170. That’s a pretty penny right there!

The final approval hearin’ for this whole shebang is set for February 20, 2024, and folks who got roped into them annoyin’ calls can mosey on down and speak their minds about the whole mess. If ya wanna file a claim or learn more about this whole shindig, you can skedaddle on over to the court’s website for all the details.

And if that ain’t enough, there’s another class-action settlement on the horizon for them Capital One customers who got their feathers ruffled over a hack of their personal info. Them folks got until Monday to claim their slice of the settlement pie.

Well, it’s about time them telemarketers and hackers start payin’ for the trouble they’ve caused! It’s a victory for hard-workin’ Americans everywhere! Yeehaw!

Written by Staff Reports

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